Paul Vinh Phan computer vision, robotics


in the field

I’m Vinh, an engineer working in computer vision and robotics. My background is originally in hardware and I still love to tinker. That’s me on the left, and my friend/co-founder Lewis on the right.

I did my BS in Aerospace Engineering at UCSD and then worked in commercial aerospace for about 5 years. After that, I co-founded Traptic with Lewis doing outdoor robotic strawberry harvest and along the way completed my MS in Computer Science from Georgia Tech with a specialization in Computational Perception and Robotics. Following the acquisition of Traptic, I worked at Bowery Farming in the pursuit of bringing delicate robotic harvest to Bowery’s indoor vertical farms. After that, I worked in autonomous vehicles as a part of the Perception team at Zoox. Lewis and I are now teaming up again to start something new in the robotics space!

I plan to post here as a way to solidify my understanding and as a record to look back on later. If you need to get in touch, I can be reached at “pvphan90 at gmail dot com”. Hopefully you find something useful here!